Measuring The Impact Of Technical Debt On Agile Velocity
Defining Technical Debt and Its Effects
Technical debt refers to the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy software solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. It is called “debt” because it incurs interest payments in the form of extra effort required later on to maintain suboptimal code.
Technical debt accumulates when developers take shortcuts to finish coding tasks more quickly, such as copying and pasting code instead of creating reusable functions, neglecting to document code for future maintainability, skipping testing, and releasing software with known defects. On an individual level this speeds up development, but over time across the whole engineering organization it slows down agile velocity.
The effects of excessive technical debt include reduced productivity due to time spent fixing preventable bugs, loss of agile responsiveness from rigid code, and declining morale as developers struggle to build new features on unstable code foundations. Code rot sets in rapidly in projects with unchecked technical debt and velocity grinds down to zero over time. Engineers get frustrated having to rebuild instead of build.
Quantifying Velocity in Agile Development
In agile software projects, velocity refers to the amount of working, shippable code an engineering team can reliably complete within each sprint iteration. It is often measured in story points per sprint – the total point value of development tasks finished and tested to “done” according to the team’s definition of done. Velocity metrics provide predictability into what features teams can deliver in which timeframes.
Factors affecting velocity include team size, absence of distractions, motivation levels, user story quality, availability of dependencies, technical oversight, and codebase health. Established teams with consistent membership, stable architectures, and healthy code tend to maintain steady velocity over multiple sprints once they normalize on a suitable workload capacity for their skills and environments.
Technical debt drags down velocity by reducing developer productivity, injecting bugs, and hampering system stability. The impact from suboptimal code builds up slowly at first but can ultimately bring agile development to a standstill. Even before that point, technical debt forces teams to spend more time on rework and less time making progress on new initiatives important to the business.
Tracking Technical Debt Over Time
There are several techniques engineering teams can use to quantify technical debt and monitor how it changes over subsequent development cycles:
- Code quality analysis tools examine software for issues like code duplication, overly complex functions, and violation of best practices. Trends point out accumulating technical debt hotspots.
- Automated test coverage, especially unit test coverage, measures the extent of untested code where defects can hide. Declining coverage indicates increased risk of uncaught bugs.
- Defect counts based on production monitoring tell when users start noticing degraded software behavior that testers missed, signaling new technical debt.
- Burndown metrics capture buildup of unfinished work from prior sprints and can highlight flows of cut corners piling on as technical debt.
- Retrospective surveys record when engineering teams start feeling like time gets increasingly consumed fixing old problems rather than building new capabilities.
These measurements put numbers around the magnitude of technical debt so technology leaders understand why agile velocity falters. Quantifying code quality degradation with relevant metrics provides early warning signs of accumulating technical burden even before it substantially drags on feature development.
Correlating Technical Debt with Lowered Velocity
Studies of software teams over the lifespan of projects consistently show an extremely high correlation between technical debt levels and reduced team velocity over time. The burden of cut corners in code and skipped essential development practices eventually catches up to engineering organizations and slows them down considerably.
One analysis across more than 100 agile projects revealed velocity a year out from a new product launch averages only 60% of initial sprint velocity when teams take on excessive technical debt building the original version. Teams spend a third of their development time fighting fires and performing rework even as stakeholders press for more capabilities.
One way technical debt drags down velocity shows in the escalating defect rate teams see in later sprints. Bugs that survived initial testing emerge from unstable code foundations under increasing loads from newly added features. Laboring under these defects, teams miss completing planned work for the sprint.
Another analysis indicated each additional quality flaw introduced per 1000 lines of code slows velocity by nearly 5%. Declining code quality means moreeffort fixing rather than building new features. The compound effect causes exponential velocity decay over time.
Reliance on contract staff also exhibited high correlation with velocity lost to technical debt. Consultants often focus on shipping contracted features fast at the expense of maintainable code since they transfer responsibility after their stint ends.
Strategies to Reduce Technical Debt
The root causes of excess technical debt arise from emphasize delivery speed over structural quality in software engineering. Business pressures for rapid deployment and feature expansion strain existing code cohesion if not coupled with investments keeping technical foundations solid.
Leading agile development teams employ several strategies to avoid unchecked debt accumulation so velocity stays sustainable over long increments:
- Consistent coding standards – Sets clear guidelines around issues like commenting, modularization, and use of design patterns that prevent individual developer choices deteriorating velocity.
- Collective code ownership – No part of the codebase gets left alone to deteriorate only noticed when trouble emerges since all developers share responsibility maintaining overall quality.
- Refactoring sprints – Dedicate periodic sprints solely to paying down technical debt through fixes, test coverage, documentation, automation, and other quality improvements.
- Automated regression testing – Runs test suites against recent code check-ins to reveal newly introduced issues needing correction before further building on faulty software.
- Tool integration – Static code analyzers, linters, test coverage reporters, and continuous integration engines shift quality tracking into frequent background processes.
Prioritizing technical excellence through these engineering best practices ensures code quality keeps pace with feature development. It provides stable velocity preserving business responsiveness as product scope grows.
Re-Gaining Velocity by Paying Down Technical Debt
When teams find themselves mired in technical debt with crumbling velocity figures, concerted initiatives to pay down accumulated deficits can restore agile performance. This requires leadership allocating resources to address quality gaps dragging on feature work.
One technique uses special technical debt repayment sprints allowing no new feature work until quality improves. Engineers examine processes that let issues accumulate and establish required standards ultimately increasing overall development throughput. Sometimes this involves uncomfortable changes holding teams accountable to higher quality coding practices. The temporary development slowdown pays long-term dividends in velocity.
Another approach institutes an amnesty period encouraging identification of lingering flaws without punishment so they get addressed transparently. Removing fear around admitting corners previously cut helps accurately catalogue debt backlogs requiring repayment before velocity improves.
Some analysts suggest dedicating up to 30% resources per project solely on technical debt repayment when velocity drops below half initial levels. This ratio balances feature work with remediation and stabilization efforts. The key insight is not ignoring debt obligations since they compound problems over time if left unaddressed.
Just as wise financial moves involve aligning income with debt balances, keeping coding standards aligned with release commitments sustains optimal development velocity across product growth stages. Paying down debt maintains team health.
Example Code and Metrics Analysis
The online retailer MAXCommerce historically averaged 1200 story points of new feature work completed per monthly sprint. But over the last year velocity dropped to less than 600 points per sprint on their website and mobile app rewrite built on Node.js, React, and MongoDB.
Code scanning tools revealed several growing trouble signs related to accumulating technical debt:
- New code lacked comments at increasing rates, hampering understanding.
- Fewer test cases got added relative to new functions over recent sprints.
- Code complexity scores worsened in key controllers due to copy-paste duplication.
- Structural duplications multiplied across shared header rendering logic.
These growing deficits corresponded with customer complaints of bugs in new features. Defects reported after production releases more than doubled over 6 months. Each bug fix sack expected velocity by over 20 points.
These trends showed increasing unmaintainable code was slowing down MAXCommerce’s site engineering team. After quantifying the correlation between quality dips and velocity loss, leadership approved a two-sprint technical debt repayment initiative.
By temporarily halting feature builds, the team improved test coverage by 35%, reduced structural duplication 60%, paid down half of all identified defects and boosted documentation. These quality boosts supported rebuilding velocity by over 40% once new capability development resumed.
Key Takeaways and Next Steps
The core lesson around maintaining velocity involves recognizing how technical debt incurred early drags increasingly on agile development speed over a product’s lifecycle. Quantifying and tracking quality metrics makes the connection clear.
Engineering leaders committed to sustainable velocity growth implement processes ensuring their teams’ coding efforts balance delivery urgency with solid structural practices. By assessing reports on accumulating deficits compared to initial standards, technology managers spot debts needing repayment before velocity falls too far.
The data also builds business cases for allocating resources explicitly to address technical deficits requiring recovery. Priority goes to issues correlated with velocity loss. This focus sustains output predictability central to agile methods.
With quantified targets and strategic repayment initiatives guided by quality-velocity correlations, technology leaders can maintain optimal development speed avoiding the pitfalls of excessive technical debt accumulation.